A Look Back: Orange Live – 10 Years Ago

As many of you know, Orange Live made it’s debut as the town’s ONLY true hyperlocal news source in May, 2012.
During the past decade, we never deleted any stories or photos so this was the place to go as your online time capsule for local news.
Earlier this year, when a designer revamped the site, she suggested that I could save space and speed load times by deleting all but the past four years’ worth of content.
I only had a small window in which to scour a decade of work, thousands of stories, videos, and tens of thousands of photographs for the most important content to save before it was lost forever.
Today I looked at the list and found these two gems that improved people’s lives in different ways back in 2012.
recycling logoAug. 6, 2012

A little something called Single Stream Recycling was introduced to the town of Orange. Residents have the Orange Recycling Committee to thank for this. They worked hard preparing for the expanded recycling opportunity and did a great job providing residents with information about the program.

The Committee keeps its information up-to-date both on its Facebook page and Website and on the town Website.

The committee is working diligently to accept popular items at the Orange Transfer Station, educate residents on the proper way to recycle plastic bags, cardboard, etc., and to make sure that electronics and hazardous waste materials are disposed of properly — in New Haven.

Aug. 10, 2012
The Amity Regional School district introduced an awesome new website that was easier to navigate that includes everything you’d need to know about  meetings, procedures, schedules, etc., as well as e-mails for teachers and administrators.
It really does have a wealth of information at your fingertips.