Yes, Indeed, Jim Zeoli Is Officially Running For A 10th Term As First Selectman

ORTC Vice-Chairman Dominic Lombardi, First Selectman Jim Zeoli and Maggie Lasso.

The Orange Republicans held their caucus on Wednesday, July 20, endorsing incumbent James Zeoli for First Selectman, along with a full slate of candidates who will share the Republican ticket.

In his remarks, Zeoli cited his own observations on his opponent’s platform. “My opponent complains about our focus on industrial and commercial development rather than retail. How many of you have shopped online this week, this month, or this year?” Jim asked.  “Brick-and-mortar retail is in a very difficult position now because you can go on your phone or laptop and order products that come right to your door. Retail is great, but the industrial and commercial development that has come here during my tenure has greatly benefited taxpayers,” said Zeoli.

“They (opponents) have complained about building a playground. The playground is a good thing for Orange, and in fact, 98% of the cost of the playground was funded by the state. That’s your tax dollars paid to Hartford coming back to you,” said Jim.

In Maggie Lasto’s nominating speech she remarked, “For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Maggie Lasto. I am a 24-year-old lifelong resident of Orange.”

“It takes a leader who is fiscally responsible—someone who considers the best interest of their constituents when spending tax money, supporting education, investing in property, or welcoming new businesses. It takes a leader who is willing to speak their mind honestly, yet able to work with others; someone who is always there with an open ear.”

Seconding the nomination was Dominic Lombardi. “Though his (Jim Zeoli’s) hair may be a bit grayer than when he first started, his passion and commitment to this town are still exactly the same. I always appreciate a leader who takes the next
generation seriously and invests in our future.

“Jim finds a way to encourage residents in all stages of life, from our children, our students, our seniors, and everyone in between. He is the reason why people like me make the choice to stay, to get involved, and encourage the next generation to do the same,” Lombardi said.

Republican Slate

First Selectman
James Zeoli

Ralph Okenquist
Judy Williams
John Carangelo

Board of Finance
Kevin Houlihan
James Leahy

Town Plan and Zoning Commission
Judy Smith
Tom Torrenti

Town Clerk
Mary Shaw

Tax Collector
Tom Hurley

Orange Board of Education
William Kraut
Ken Ziman
Anthony Scarinzi

Amity Board of Education
Cathy Bradley
Dana Lombardi
Mike McDonough

Jody Daymon
Mike Donadeo
Gary Palermo
Glen Papelo