Ella Is Still Missing (with sighting update)

“Ella” went missing in Mapledale Road area.

SIGHTING UPDATE 1:30 p.m. Wednesday:

Someone called the owner reporting seeing a dog matching Ella’s description running Southbound along the parkway near Exit 53 (Route 110 Stratford) — could be in the area of exits 50-55.

If you see her DO NOT CHASE HER OR TRY TO CATCH HER just text her owner at 734-502-2050 with the time and location of the sighting.


A reader sent this message Tuesday night:

On Jan. 25 (Tuesday), a boarder took five dogs to the Wepawaug Trails and “lost” two dogs, including Ella, a 9 month old, 65 pound Bernese Mountain Dog (Pictured here) and did not return the other three dogs.

She reportedly told the owners the dogs ran away and refused to answer phone calls.

She was pulled over in Fairfield and arrested for DUI and previous open cases. Three of the dogs were in the car with her, but the others are still missing.

There is no description or other information about the second dog that went missing with Ella. Please keep your eyes open for them as this is a very high traffic area, the temperatures are dropping into the single digits and the DEEP just recently raised red flags about the dangers to domestic animals with coyote mating season.